State Senator Klein and Governor Cuomo: Don’t Play Politics–Do the Right Thing!

Rally in front of the State Legislature Office 250 Broadway, Manhattan Wednesday, March 19, 11:30 AM For decades, working conditions have been getting worse, workers’ wages have been plunging, the middle class has been shrinking, and working people often need to work two jobs to put food on the table. The general public overwhelmingly supports anContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Protesters Greet Cuomo At Manhattan Re-Election Campaign Stop

From WAMC: About 100 demonstrators carried signs and recited chants, urging Cuomo to move to raise the state minimum wage and ban hydrofracking. Community activist Jo Ann Lum: “So we’re out here to say, like, Cuomo, you messed up with the minimum wage bill that you passed. You gotta take steps immediately to make sure thisContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Gov. Cuomo Makes Republican-Friendly Re-Election Pitch At Midtown Meetup

From the NY Daily News:  Gov. Cuomo made his re-election pitch to GOP powerbrokers at the Harvard Club Thursday, with attendees saying he sought to strike a politically moderate, fiscally conservative tone while urging them to return a Democrat to the state’s highest office.Continue Reading

Coalition Members in Albany tell Cuomo we need a real minimum-wage NOW!

On Tuesday, 1/7, NMASS members joined members of the Coalition for a Real Minimum-Wage at a press conference in Albany to deliver our own “People’s State of the State,” a day before Cuomo’s speech. Time Warner News NBC 13 CBS 6  NPR Capital Confidential Blog  Politics on the Hudson Capitol Tonight Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester) TroyContinue Reading

Daily News: Memo to Cuomo

Worker advocates stress that the new law raising the minimum wage to $8 an hour leaves out hundreds of thousands of workers who still receive minimum wages of as little as $5 an hour Read the whole article

Silver wants pay timeline pushed up

From Times Union:  ALBANY–Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver wants to see the timeline for boosting the state’s minimum wage to $9 an hour moved up by a year, and hopes to act on that desire in the legislative session that begins next week. Read the whole article  

14,000 Wage Theft Cases Pending in NYS

From Voices of New York: The Coalition for a Real Minimum-Wage Increase held a rally to reveal that its Freedom of Information Act request found that there are 14,000 open cases of unpaid wages at the New York State Department of Labor. Read the whole article 

Workers call on Cuomo to fight wage-theft with more resources

Workers call on Cuomo to fight wage-theft with more resources

ALBANY–“About two dozen people, mostly Latino immigrants, are packing an Assembly hearing to highlight another deleterious effect of tight state budgets: lackluster enforcement of wage theft prevention laws.” Read the whole article

Press Conference Tomorrow: Shocking Data Reveals Weak Labor Law Enforcement

Gov. Cuomo: Take Action on Labor Law Enforcement! Join us tomorrow to reveal data on weak labor law enforcement by the NYS Department of Labor Wednesday, 11/13, 11:30am In front of NYS Dept. of Labor, 75 Varick St. The Coalition recently filed a Freedom of Information request with the Department of Labor after they denied that thereContinue Reading

NYT: Exhausted Workers Recall Minimal Efforts to Enforce a Minimum Wage Law

NYT: Exhausted Workers Recall Minimal Efforts to Enforce a Minimum Wage Law

“Complaints with the state Department of Labor about wage and hour violations were stacked 14,000 high at the end of July.” Read the whole article