Clergy Supports Workers: Real Increase Now!

A Statement from the Clergy Campaign for Social and Economic Justice on theProposed Legislative Increase to the N.Y.S. Minimum Wage in the New York State Budget:
The Clergy Campaign for Social and Economic Justice (CCSEJ) working together in an august determined coalition of faith leaders, social activists and labor organizations, has worked diligently in advocacy on behalf of the legislative increase in the New York State minimum wage,which would help to bring dignity to the working poor of the City and State of New York and that serves to honor all work as a core value of family and respectful human purpose in our civil society. An increase to the minimum wage in the State and across the nation is desperatelyneeded, and New York’s Governor Cuomo and the New York State legislature have the presentopportunity to lead the way setting the moral and political bar on wages paid to the least among us in the State, lifting the working poor and thousands of working families to greater self-sufficiency, a constituency without powerful voice in Albany. An opportunity, that with today’s announced New York State budget deal, they have now squandered…(read more)

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