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Workers Speak Out v. Cuomo’s Bill

Thanks to everyone who came out to last Tuesday’s Town Hall meeting, sponsored by Coalition for a Real Minimum Wage Increase and the Cardozo Labor & Employment Law Society! We were joined by over 200 workers and supporters, including NMASS members, Coalition members, students, organizations and churches. Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal spoke that night about her recentlyContinue Reading

From the Town Hall Meeting

From the Town Hall Meeting

“I worked preparing food in restaurant for 5 years. I currently earn the minimum wage but its not enough so I have to work double shift to make ends meet. To survive with this wage, its very difficult to pay rent, bills, food and day care. Its almost impossible to survive, especially as a singleContinue Reading

Workers’ Town Hall Meeting, 10/22, 6pm

Cardozo Law School, 55 5th Ave, btwn 12th & 13th St, Manhattan Come share your ideas on how we can win a real increase for all workers! Working people in this country are being squeezed more than ever, while corporate profits soar. Cuomo raised the minimum wage earlier this year but at 9$/hr by 2016, it is tooContinue Reading

Dept. of Labor Asked to Convene Minimum Wage Board

From the Legislative Gazette: In honor of Labor Day, the Coalition for a Real Minimum Wage sent a letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo insisting his administration convene a minimum wage board which is a requirement under the recently passed minimum wage legislation. Read the whole article here

Women Are the Biggest Losers from Failure to Raise Minimum Wage

Women Are the Biggest Losers from Failure to Raise Minimum Wage

Center for American Progress Action Fund: Earning the Federal Minimum Wage Keeps Women, Especially Those of Color, Poor Read the whole article here

Women Workers Speak Out v. Cuomo’s Increase

Women Workers Speak Out v. Cuomo’s Increase

Women workers from Chinatown dimsum restaurant speak out against exclusion of tipped workers from Cuomo’s minimum wage bill.

NY Handing Over Millions to Walmart?

Cuomo’s Minimum Wage Increase bill includes millions in subsidies for big corporations. “Walmart is likely to receive MWRC ( New York’s new Minimum Wage Reimbursement Credit) subsidies of between $53 million and $85 million over the next five years.”  

When a Paycheck is Worth Nothing

from the Gotham Gazette: More often than not, Marta Schwartz’s paycheck is worth nothing. The $5 she makes per hour as a server doesn’t even pay the taxes she owes on her tips, and that’s reflected in her pay stub with a neat line of zeros. Schwartz is one of 771,000 hospitality workers in NewContinue Reading

Clergy Supports Workers: Real Increase Now!

A Statement from the Clergy Campaign for Social and Economic Justice on theProposed Legislative Increase to the N.Y.S. Minimum Wage in the New York State Budget: The Clergy Campaign for Social and Economic Justice (CCSEJ) working together in an august determined coalition of faith leaders, social activists and labor organizations, has worked diligently in advocacy on behalf of theContinue Reading

Dems Want to Speed up Minimum Wage Increases

Dems Want to Speed up Minimum Wage Increases

“Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, D-Manhattan, and Assembly Labor Committee Chair Carl Heastie, D–Bronx, have introduced two bills: one to speed up New York’s goal of reaching a $9 hourly wage and another that would repeal the Minimum Wage Reimbursement Credit included in last year’s state budget.”Continue Reading