The Coalition for a Real Minimum Wage is made up of the Chinese Staff & Workers Association, Community Development Project – Urban Justice Center, Flushing Workers Center, Hunger Action Network, National Mobilization Against SweatShops and our allies. We urge Gov. Cuomo to right his wrongs in his new minimum-wage law by acting now to:
- Increase the minimum wage of tipped workers
- Enforce and strengthen the labor law regarding minimum wage
- Repeal his bill’s subsidies for corporations which pits younger against older workers
- Increase the minimum wage to at least $10 in the coming year (indexed to inflation)
Endorsing Organizations (list in formation)
- 318 Restaurant Workers Union
- Adhikaar for Human Rights and Social Justice
- Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund
- Brandworkers
- Central New York Citizens in Action, Inc.
- Chinese Staff & Workers Association*
- Community Development Project – Urban Justice Center*
- CUNY Law School Labor Coalition
- Damayan Migrant Workers Association
- Domestic Workers United
- Flushing Greens
- Flushing Workers Center*
- Focus Churches of Albany
- Greater NY Labor-Religion Coalition
- Harlem Community Nutritional Services Agency
- Hunger Action Network of New York State*
- Independent Workers Movement*
- Interfaith Impact of NYS
- Intern Labor Rights
- Jews for Racial & Economic Justice
- Joy of Resistance, Multi-Cultural Feminist Radio, WBAI
- Judeotutur Services, Rabbi Neal Kaunfer
- Labor-Religion Coalition of NYS
- Marc Landis, District Leader
- MFY Legal Services*
- Mount Vernon United Tenants
- Movimiento Independiente de Trabajadores
- National Center for Law and Economic Justice
- National Mobilization Against SweatShops
- National Organization for Women, NYS*
- New Economy Project*
- NYS Dairy Workers Organizing Committee
- Occupy Albany
- Pelton + Associates PC
- Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
- Ray Korona Band
- St. Luke Lutheran Church
- St. Raphael Parish Social Ministry
- Tompkins County Worker Center
- Trinity Lutheran Church of Manhattan (Rev. Heidi Neumark)
- Sisa Pakari Centro Cultural y Laboral
- Sweatshop Free Upper West Side
- Systemic Disorder
- Walker Memorial Baptist Church (Rev. Derrick Boykin)
- West-Park Presbyterian Church (Rev. Robert Brashear)
- West Side Campaign Against Hunger
- Worker Justice Center of NY
- Worker’s Center of Central New York
- Xavier Mission
*Steering Committee Organizations